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VRG Controls

VRG Controls engineers and manufactures high performance control valves and control instrumentation for natural gas regulation.

VRG Controls Logo

The highest quality instrumentation in tandem with an environmentally responsible approach.

VRG control instrumentation features simplicity and reliability specifically designed for gas pipeline applications. All VRG control instrumentation features zero emissions capabilities that are good for the environment.

The durable features necessary for reliability and high performance.

PRCV Pipeline Rotary Control Valves are rugged, trunnion mounted configuration with the durable features necessary for reliability and high performance in natural gas control applications. The high-capacity design of the PRCV-FP series provides a full opening, high capacity design with high flow range-ability. Higher performance trims are available in our PRCV-STH1, PRCV-STHM, and PRCV-STHP series to provides additional noise attenuation and extended flow range-ability.

VRG Control PRCV Control Valve

Ideally suited for natural gas control applications.

VRG Controls’ Linear Control Valves are ideally suited for natural gas control applications. They can accommodate moderate and severe service. The cage guided design features trim options to address characterized flow and noise attenuation per application. The modular format can accept a variety of actuator and trim configurations and actuators to match your application needs.

Linear Controls

VMO allows the operator to override the primary control instrumentation.

The VMO Valve Manual Override is the ideal device to provide manual operation of pneumatically actuated ON-OFF Type Remote Control Valves (RCV’s) and Regulating Control Valves. The VMO allows the operator to override the primary control instrumentation and position the actuated valve in open, closed, or any intermediate positions. VMO Series Valve Manual Overrides are the perfect device for valve maintenance, commissioning or emergency operation. All units are provided with standard locking provision to prevent unauthorized operation and facilitate lockout / tagout procedures.


Gas supply sets and stands.

VRG Controls offers standard and customer supply gas systems to properly precondition gas for control instrumentation and actuators. VRG Controls systems include gas filtration, pressure reduction and overfit for purpose and properly sized pressure relief. VRG SG-1 and SG-2 gas supply systems include Fisher Brand 1301F, 67FR and Rego relief valves in brass and 316 stainless-steel materials. VRG offers both Welker and Imac filters as standard options on each supply set. VRG offers leading Brand catalytic heaters which include Catco.


A breakthrough in Valve Control technology.

The VPC Valve Pilot Controller provides a modular, plug & play pressure control system for use in conjunction with pneumatically actuated control valves. The VPC features a simplified 5-in-1 configuration that provides compatibility with double acting and single acting (spring return) control valves utilizing a single platform. The VPC may be easily reconfigured in the field to provide compatibility with almost any pneumatic control valve on the market. The highly accurate performance and ZERO emissions capabilities of the VPC provide the desired features to meet natural gas industry needs. The VPC was designed by the inventor of the original “Valve Regulator Pilot” and features patented technological advances that provide reliability, convenience, and performance above and beyond previous technologies. VPC – Valve Pilot Controllers represent the future of control valve pressure control technology and are backed up by the industries’ most experienced team.


100% zero emissions.

The RED HORSE range of Electro-Hydraulic Valve Controllers delivers the performance of a proportional control system & brushless DC smart motor in a compact rugged 316 housing. They are equipped with various control options and sensors to ensure superior reliability. They can be supplied in sizes from 90W to 600W at pressures up to 207 Bar (3000 psi). Fully dynamic flows from 0.1 lpm (0.2 US gpm) to 8 lpm (2 US gpm) as standard with special versions on request. They are suitable for providing accurate reliable control of any hydraulic actuator.

Red Horse EH

Compatible with all our control valve actuators.

The VRG Red Circle Valve Controller provides accurate positioning of natural gas control valves via electronic signal. The RCVC can accept analog or discrete input signals. The RCVC is compatible with all VRG Controls control valve actuators and may also be installed on virtually any design of pneumatic control valve actuator. The Red Circle Control Valve features zero steady state consumption with an ability to discharge emissions to a suitable nearby pressure system. The high pressure capability of the RCVC system allows for efficient use of more compact pneumatic actuators. The RCVC is equipped with the most advanced programmable control capabilities, diagnostics, and operational features to ensure the highest performance and easiest integration on new or retrofit applications.

Rotary PRCV with RCVC Package

Custom designed to meet your needs.

VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered ET and EWT-style linear globe-style valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The globe style valve package with spring and diaphragm actuators provides finite control, predictable failure mode, high accuracy and coupled with the VPC-SA-BV single acting controller offers Zero bleed stead state.

VRG Controls’ Linear Control Valves are ideally suited for natural gas control applications. They can accommodate moderate and severe service. The cage guided design features trim options to address characterized flow and noise attenuation per application. The modular format can accept a variety of actuator and trim configurations and actuators to match your application needs.

Globe Style Regulator with VPC

Low to moderate bleed in control.

VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered for purpose rotary control valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The PRCV valve package with rotary piston double acting actuators provides finite control, compact design, high accuracy and coupled with the VPC-DA-BV or VPC-DA-SN double acting control offers low to moderate bleed in control and Zero bleed in full open and closed positions.


Zero bleed.

VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered for purpose rotary control valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The PRCV valve package with rotary piston double acting actuators provides finite control, compact design, high accuracy and coupled with the RCVC double acting electro pneumatic positioner offers zero bleed in control and in full open and closed positions.

PRCV Above Ground FCV

Designed specifically for natural gas regulation.

The VRG Controls RHPA-DA Rotary High Pressure Actuator is a high performance pneumatic actuator designed specifically for natural gas regulation. The VRG RHPA-DA is built to exacting specifications in order to offer accurate and reliable performance. The RHPA-DA is easy to operate, requires minimal maintenance, and is available in a variety of configurations and sizes to fit your specific application. To best maintain accuracy, efficiency, and safety, all RHPA-DA applications should be designed and engineered with the assistance of VRG Controls factory personnel. All VRG Controls RHPA- DA’s are shipped ready for installation and startup without any further adjustment. All instruction manuals supplied with the RHPA-DA should be reviewed prior to installation and startup. Only those qualified through training or experience should install, operate, or maintain VRG Controls RHPA-DA’s.

RHPA-DA Actuator

Most cost effective noise attenuation available.

VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered for purpose buried rotary control valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The PRCV buried valve package with rotary piston double acting or single acting actuators provides low noise and station footprint, finite control, compact design, high accuracy and coupled with the VPC-DA-BV or VPC-DA-SN double acting control offers low to moderate bleed in control and Zero bleed in full open and closed positions.

PRCV Below Grade Regulator

Finite control. Predictable failure mode.

VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered for purpose rotary control valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The PRCV valve package with rotary piston spring return actuators provides finite control, predictable failure mode, high accuracy and coupled with the VPC-SA-BV single acting controller offers Zero bleed stead state.

PRCV with RPSR Actuator and VPC For Pressure Control