VRG Controls offers completely assembled, engineered for purpose rotary control valve packages custom designed to meet client’s needs. The PRCV valve package with rotary piston double acting actuators provides finite control, compact design, high accuracy and coupled with the VPC-DA-BV or VPC-DA-SN double acting control offers low to moderate bleed in control and Zero bleed in full open and closed positions.

- Available in 2”- 36” Sizes, ANSI 150# -1500#
- PRCV platforms include ST0, ST1, STHP, STH4 and STH5
- 100-300:1 turndown and class IV through VI bubble tight shut off
- Low to moderate bleed in control and Zero bleed in full open and closed positions (Atmosphere)
- Optional bleed to pressure system for select applications
- Pressure control ranges from 3 psig to 1500 psig
- Simple adjustment and simplistic control schemes
- Available in single and dual cylinder designs
- Supply Gas Systems
- Volume boosters
- Gap control dual control
- 24- or 120-volt ESD Close features
- VGP positioner
- CMR-200 remote set motor
- Position indication via transmitter and limit switches. Soldo, DXP, Westlok
- Engineered instrumentation control cabinet and panels