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Mustang Certidaptor® Mounting Bracket

The internationally registered and patent pending Mustang Certidaptor Mounting Bracket is a uniquely configured probe housing element particularly suitable as a companion to the Mustang Pony® Probe Enclosure. Use of a Certidaptor mounting bracket eliminates the need to disassemble an overlying housing element from an enclosed adapter body and dispenses with disassembling the adaptor body from the pipeline.

The Certidaptor Mounting Bracket is used to aid in gas and liquid sample extraction from a pipeline. The threaded adaptor mounts directly into a threadolet and the outer diameter is available in various sizes. The Certidaptor Mounting Bracket is compatible with most insertion probes and works in conjunction with the CertiSeries® line of products including the Certiprobe® Threaded and Flanged Sample Extractor and Certiblanket® Thermal Insulator.

Certidaptor Mustang Sampling


  • Available in various outer diameters
  • Threaded adaptor mounts directly into a threadolet
  • Adjustment groove for straight jaw pliers


  • Patent Pending
  • Allows mounting of the enclosure onto a pipe without disassembling the probe enclosure
  • Compatible with Mustang Pony Heated Probe Enclosure, Certiprobe Threaded Sample Extractor and other insertion probes

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