The VRG Controls RHPA-DA Rotary High Pressure Actuator is a high performance pneumatic actuator designed specifically for natural gas regulation. The VRG RHPA-DA is built to exacting specifications in order to offer accurate and reliable performance. The RHPA-DA is easy to operate, requires minimal maintenance, and is available in a variety of configurations and sizes to fit your specific application. To best maintain accuracy, efficiency, and safety, all RHPA-DA applications should be designed and engineered with the assistance of VRG Controls factory personnel. All VRG Controls RHPA- DA’s are shipped ready for installation and startup without any further adjustment. All instruction manuals supplied with the RHPA-DA should be reviewed prior to installation and startup. Only those qualified through training or experience should install, operate, or maintain VRG Controls RHPA-DA’s.

VRG Controls RHPA-DA are typically shipped as a complete “regulating/control assembly” designed to control a process in a pipeline or other piping arrangement. The complete assembly is typically comprised of the following three (3) components:
- RHPA-DA Rotary High Pressure Actuator
- PRCV Pipeline Rotary Control Valve OR Other Quarter Turn Type Rotary Control Valve
- Control Instrumentation and Related Accessories